CS:GO Console Commands Guide
Console commands are a powerful tool in Counter-Strike: Global Offensive (CS:GO) that can help players to improve their gameplay experience, allowing them to adjust various settings and configurations to their liking. In this guide, we will explore some of the most useful console commands that can be used in CS:GO.
What are console commands in CS:GO?
Console commands are text commands that can be typed into the console window of CS:GO to change various game settings and configurations. They can be used to adjust graphics settings, control player movement, spawn objects, and more.
How do I access the console in CS:GO?
To access the console in CS:GO, press the tilde (~) key on your keyboard. This will open the console window, where you can enter commands.
Are console commands allowed in competitive play?
Console commands are not allowed in official competitive matches. However, they can be used in private matches, offline matches, and casual play.
Can console commands improve my gameplay?
Console commands can be used to adjust various settings and configurations to your liking, which can improve your gameplay experience. However, it’s important to note that using console commands cannot replace practice and skill development.
Do I need to be an expert to use console commands?
No, you don’t need to be an expert to use console commands. Many console commands are simple and easy to use, and there are plenty of guides and resources available online to help you learn more.
Console Commands
Player Commands
- !self – Includes yourself
- !picker – Includes the targeted player
- !player – Includes all players on the server
- ent_fire !self addoutput “modelscale 1-100” – Makes you appear skinny or fat
- ent_fire !picker sethealth -1″ – Kills the targeted player
- ent_fire player addoutput “health -1” – Freezes the player
Gameplay Commands
- mp_death_drop_gun 1 – Drops your gun when you die
- mp_equipment_reset_rounds 1 – Resets all player equipment at the beginning of each round
- mp_anyone_can_pickup_c4 1 – All players can pick up the C4
- mp_c4_cannot_be_defused 1 – C4 cannot be defused
- mp_default_team_winner_no_objective – 1 – Depends on the map
- mp_default_team_winner_no_objective – 0 – Tie
- mp_default_team_winner_no_objective – 2 Т – Terrorists win
- mp_default_team_winner_no_objective – 3 CT – Counter-Terrorists win
- ent_create planted_c4_training; ent_fire planted_c4_training ActivateSetTimerLength 30 – Sets the time for the C4 to explode after it has been planted
- r_drawparticles 0 – Disables the effects of flash and smoke bombs
- sv_regeneration_force_on – Enables automatic regeneration of health
Object Commands
- ent_create flashbang_projectile – Spawns a flashbang
- ent_create env_spark; ent_fire env_spark StartSpark – Creates lightning
- ent_create chicken – Spawns a chicken
- ent_fire chicken addoutput “modelscale 5” – Changes chicken size
- ent_create hostage_entity – Spawns a hostage
- ent_create prop_exploding_barrel – Spawns an exploding barrel
- prop_dynamic_create /props_vehicles/helicopter_rescue.mdl – Spawns a helicopter
- prop_dynamic_create maps/de_dust2.bsp – Spawns an object in the map (Causes CS:GO to crash)
- prop_dynamic_create \\ghost\\ghost.mdl – Spawns a ghost
- prop_dynamic_create \\f18\\f18.mdl – Spawns a plane
- prop_dynamic_create \\effects\\urban_puddle_model01a.mdl – Spawns a puddle
- prop_physics_create props/cs_italy/bananna.mdl; ent_fire !picker addoutput “CollisionGroup 2”; ent_fire !picker setparent !activator; ent_fire !picker setparentattachment grenade0 – Displays a banana in place of the bomb on the player’s belt
Animation Commands
- ent_fire !picker SetAnimation “2start” – Rotates the blades (helicopter)
- ent_fire !picker SetAnimation “3ready” – Prepares to fly (helicopter)
- ent_fire !picker SetAnimation “4lift” – Lifts off (helicopter)
- ent_fire !picker SetAnimation “run” – Makes the object move
Teleportation Commands
- First, we select a spot – “writeip; con_logfile cfg/banned_ip.cfg; getpos_exact; con_logfile .”
- To teleport to the spot, enter this command – “exec banned_ip”
- “ent_teleport player” – Teleports the player to the aimed location
Other Commands
- sv_holiday_mode 1 – Spawns zombie chickens
- ent_fire weapon_(*Weapon name*) addoutput “modelscale (*Size*)” – Adjusts the size of the weapon
- EXAMPLE = ent_fire weapon_(ak47) addoutput “modelscale (4)”
- sv_precacheinfo – Shows the loaded files and their numbers
- ent_fire !self addoutput “modelindex 2” – Changes the model
- fov_cs_debug 120 – Adjusts the field of view
- fov_cs_debug 90 – Sets the default field of view
- ent_fire planted_c4 addoutput “modelscale 50” – Increases the size of the C4
- ent_fire !self addoutput “modelscale 0.1” – Decreases the size of the player
- give item_heavyassaultsuit – Gives heavy armor that provides 200 armor points
- ent_create hegrenade_projectile; ent_fire hegrenade_projectile InitializeSpawnFromWorld” – Creates a grenade that explodes instantly
- clear_bombs – Clears the bomb area
- weapon_recoil_vel_decay -1 – Causes excessive recoil of the weapon
- give env_screenoverlay; ent_fire env_screenoverlay addoutput “overlayname1 dev\dev_prisontvoverlay002”; ent_fire env_screenoverlay startoverlays – Activates high-level helmet
- debugsystemui – Opens the developer console
- ent_fire !picker ignite – Sets the aimed player on fire
- prop_dynamic_create player/custom_player/legacy/tm_leet_variantC.mdl – Spawns the terrorist model
Console commands can be a valuable tool for players looking to improve their gameplay experience in CS:GO. They can be used to adjust various settings and configurations, spawn objects, and more. By familiarizing yourself with the commands listed in this guide, you can gain a better understanding of how to use them to your advantage.