Xbox Game Pass’e 7 Yeni Oyun Ekleniyor
Microsoft’un Xbox Game Pass Servisi Genişlemeye Devam Ediyor
Microsoft’un abonelik tabanlı Xbox Game Pass servisi, her geçen gün genişlemeye ve büyümeye devam ediyor. Platformun sürekli olarak güncellendiğini görüyoruz. Bugün Microsoft, Haziran ayının ikinci yarısında Xbox Game Pass’e eklenecek ve kütüphaneden ayrılacak yeni oyunları açıkladı.
Xbox Game Pass’e 7 Yeni Oyun Ekleniyor
Microsoft tarafından paylaşılan listeye göre, Haziran sonuna kadar Game Pass’e beş yeni oyun daha eklenecek. Yüksek bütçeli yapımların da yer aldığı listede, Need for Speed Unbound (22 Haziran), The Bookwalker (22 Haziran), Bramble: The Mountain King (27 Haziran), FIST: Forged In Shadow Torch (27 Haziran) ve Story of Seasons: Friends of Mineral Town (29 Haziran) bulunuyor. Ayrıca Microsoft, Temmuz ayında Game Pass’e eklenecek bazı oyunları da duyurdu. Bunlar ise Arcade Paradise (3 Temmuz) ve Sword and Fairy: Together Forever (5 Temmuz) olacak.
Game Pass’e Eklenecek Yeni Oyunlar ve Tarihleri
- Need for Speed Unbound (Bulut, PC ve Xbox Series X|S) EA Play – 22 Haziran
- The Bookwalker (Konsol ve PC) – 22 Haziran
- Bramble: The Mountain King (Bulut, Konsol ve PC) – 27 Haziran
- FIST: Forged In Shadow Torch (Bulut, PC ve Xbox Series X|S) – 27 Haziran
- Story of Seasons: Friends of Mineral Town (Konsol ve PC) – 29 Haziran
- Arcade Paradise (Konsol ve PC) – 3 Temmuz
- Sword and Fairy: Together Forever (Konsol ve PC) – 5 Temmuz
Game Pass’ten Ayrılacak Oyunlar
Haziran ayında Xbox Game Pass’e eklenecek oyunların yanı sıra, platformdan ayrılacak oyunlar da bulunuyor. 31 Haziran itibarıyla Game Pass’ten ayrılacak oyunlar ise şu şekilde:
- DJMax Respect V (Bulut, Konsol ve PC)
- Empire of Sin (Bulut, Konsol ve PC)
- Matchpoint – Tennis Championships (Bulut, Konsol ve PC)
- Olija (Bulut, Konsol ve PC)
- Omori (Bulut, Konsol ve PC)
- Road 96 (Bulut, Konsol ve PC)
Journalistic Ethics Adhered to for Accurate Reporting
As a journalist writer, it is important to adhere to journalistic ethics and deliver accurate reporting using a distinct style. This means researching and verifying information, uncovering sources, and presenting the information in a way that is unbiased and informative for the reader.
Research Techniques for Verifying Information and Uncovering Sources
When researching for a news article, it is important to use multiple sources to verify information. This can include reading articles from reputable sources, conducting interviews, and fact-checking information before publishing it.
Feature Stories and Opinion Pieces
In addition to breaking news, journalists also write feature stories and opinion pieces. These articles can provide more in-depth coverage of a topic or offer a unique perspective on a current event.
Developing a Distinct Style
Developing a distinct style is important for journalists. This can include using clear and concise language, being objective in reporting, and engaging the reader through storytelling techniques.
Xbox Game Pass continues to expand and grow, with seven new games being added in June and July. As a journalist writer, it is important to adhere to journalistic ethics and deliver accurate reporting using a distinct style.
What is Xbox Game Pass?
Xbox Game Pass is a subscription-based gaming service offered by Microsoft. It gives users access to a library of games for a monthly fee.
How often does Xbox Game Pass update its library?
Xbox Game Pass updates its library on a regular basis, with new games being added every month.
What are some of the new games being added to Xbox Game Pass in June and July?
Some of the new games being added to Xbox Game Pass in June and July include Need for Speed Unbound, The Bookwalker, Bramble: The Mountain King, FIST: Forged In Shadow Torch, Story of Seasons: Friends of Mineral Town, Arcade Paradise, and Sword and Fairy: Together Forever.
What should journalists keep in mind when reporting on breaking news?
When reporting on breaking news, journalists should prioritize accuracy and verify information before publishing. It is also important to adhere to journalistic ethics and present the information in an unbiased and informative way.
What is the role of feature stories and opinion pieces in journalism?
Feature stories and opinion pieces can provide more in-depth coverage of a topic or offer a unique perspective on a current event. They also allow journalists to showcase their writing style and engage the reader through storytelling techniques.